
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

We are witnessing the Web's second coming, not a new bubble. The holiday season may be a time for love, hope and all that jazz. But let's face it: for millions of Americans, a big part of it is getting new toys... Building a Better Boom

Steven Baker is a journalist who truly understands (by doing) the nuanced difference in writing for a publication like BusinessWeek, for it's online property,, and for his blog Blogging is different?

The Blog, The Press, The Media: Some Find New Money in Domain Names
Firms are snapping up scores of generic domains

Internet domain names are a hot commodity again. But unlike the 1990s, when speculators bought up Web addresses in hopes of reselling them later for a big payday, many of today's purchases are aimed at cashing in on the boom in online advertising.

Thanks to Web Ads, [U.S. Maintains Control of Net ; The New Power Generation How you'll know when the boomers have lost control of the media ]
• · A paper questions whether search engines make popular sites more so ... The winner takes all, it is widely supposed in computing circles. Indeed, geeks have coined a word, “Googlearchy”, for the way in which search engines encourage web traffic towards the most popular sites Egalitarian engines ; Small ads are flooding away from newspapers and onto the internet Classified calamity ; An educational gadget called the Fly Pentop Computer is already appearing high on the "hottest toys" lists for this holiday season David Pogue: The Pen Gets a Whole Lot Mightier.
• · · The Death of Media announces the death of mass media and the emergence of the citizen journalist ; Scott McLemee talks to Moby Lives' Dennis Loy Johnson about his decision to shift to online radio Radio Free Moby
• · · · No self-respecting industry these days is without a must-read blog From Hollywood to Wall Street, a guide to the blogs insiders read to stay current What the In-Crowd Knows ; Murdoch’s mag stands athwart history yelling, “Attack!”
• · · · · author Ana Marie Cox is fearless driver of Beltway buzz ; Bloggers of world unite Blogging is growing because it allows anyone with a passion to publish with minimal cost Love is still going on but without blog...
• · · · · · Bloggers Beware! Bots Are Stealing Content From Your Blog, Stop Them ; Some Final Thoughts on Yesterday's Senate Blog Event