
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

It couldn’t have happened at a worse moment ... Bird flu: looming disaster or alarmist exaggeration? Terrorism laws: threat to liberty or responsible reaction to terrorist threat? Industrial relations overhaul: draconian ideology or economic necessity? Life is more than a little complicated these days, and here at the ideologically-neutral Crikey we prefer to be a clearing house of ideas and analysis rather than an arbiter of views. Today the clearing house is pretty full – and if the doomsayers are all right we're facing a pretty grim few years ahead. It is the regular old human flu we should be worrying about, says Erdal Safak in Turkey's Sabah Turkish press gets bird flu jitters

The Blog, The Press, The Media: Left right out of the world wide wisecrack
There is a nasty little scrap happening on the internet between the forces of the political Left and Right – and the right seems to be winning.

That's what any standard capacity, culturally attuned laugh meter would show. This cyber battle is important because it demonstrates the emerging significance here of web logs (blogs) in national and international political debate.

I had a go at a few blowhards the other day [A fridge called Farr ; Thank (insert deity) for blogging ]
• · Cliff Notes From the Blog World; Who Will Control the Internet?
• · · Blog Usability Showdown: Me vs. Jakob Nielsen; Stakeholders don't see eye to eye World Summit on the Information Society
• · · · Dartmouth professor warns of misuse of mapping technology in political redistricting ; Mapping Where You Think You Live
• · · · · Scott McLemee hoped academic librarians would blog more about their work Noise in the Stacks ; In the battles over evolution, it’s usually the critics of evolution who are accused of crossing church/state lines Another Attack on Evolution ; Blogging 101--Web logs go to school
• · · · · · So you are a real info-junkie - you need to scan through much more information than others. You probably are subscribing to hundreds of information feeds - blogs, data feeds, news feeds, etc. Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Welcome to BlogBridge - the Blog and feed aggregation solution ; 'God Bloggers' Head to National Conference