
Saturday, July 23, 2005

Claude Simon ( 1913-2005 ) once wrote: For me, the big chore is always the same: how to begin a sentence, how to continue it, how to complete it

I have heard that one of the rites of passage for undergraduates at Harvard University is to have sex in stacks of the vast, labyrinthine Widener Library. It's sort of an academic version of joining the "Mile-High Club" ... Many students who enter university come from nearly book-free homes. Many have not read a single book all the way through Stacks' Appeal

Art of Living & Literature Across Frontiers: Let's face it, most books do stink.
Reading books is definitely more fun than writing them. They say everyone has a book in them. As if to prove this truism, almost everyone I know is writing one:

I used to think writers didn't like talking about their works-in-progress because they were afraid people would steal their brilliant ideas. Now I know the truth. Writers hate talking about their books because they're sick to death of them. That and the fact that, on any given day, they secretly suspect that their books might stink

How's your book going? [I have always thought of Australia as a very sort of progressive, sophisticated, cosmopolitan place. So to run into this roadblock is surprising Some Australian conservatives are trying to ban the film ; Heim's Australian fans ]
• · Lewis Libby, Richard Perle, Lynn Cheney: neocons, D.C. insiders, and novelists. What does their fiction tell us about the reality of life and power in Washington? Tory Stories: Neo-Con Novels ; This independent publisher is true to its word in bringing us works that just do not seem to sit pretty on the shelves of our highstreet book stores. In this world of mainstream, conglomerate-led, dumbed-down publishing it is always a pleasure to stumble upon a dedicated group who strive to bring you the book that others either daren't or can't. So, for a start get your hungry taste buds around the litle morsel below: Reaching the reader on multiple levels A common interest unites us; it is one world, one life
• · · Random UK is hoping for better results than Simon & Schuster's memoir contest promotion with Good Morning America earlier this year, in an agreement with the influential show Richard & Judy UK Tries TV Memoir Contest ; Peter Spiegelman "socked away millions" when his employer, a Wall Street software company, was bought--which gave him the freedom to write crime novels The Case of the Writer Who Left Wall Street
• · · · What’s missing in many people’s beliefs about success is the fact that the more challenging the goal, the more frequent and difficult setbacks will be How to learn from your mistakes; A law firm that spent decades winning lawsuits against huge corporations is now in the cross hairs of a government investigation Robin Hoods or Legal Hoods?
• · · · · Why are the movies so bad? Hollywood's Phantom Menace; For your typical young British writer/intellectual it’s deeply shameful to confess that you love Starbucks Starbucks: The daily grind
• · · · · · When a man lands a big fish, the tale is told of fight and peril, exhaustion and triumph. The beast is weighed, the record inscribed, the photo taken, bragging rights secured. And that is where the story usually ends The Fish That Came With a Catch ; Nabakov caught in the act of Kissing Media Dragon Deadly at After Grog Hammer Time