
Wednesday, June 08, 2005

For the first time anyone can remember, the Left and the Right will sit down together at a cross- factional dinner at this weekend's ALP state conference Faction friction shows they're still the life - and death - of the party

Eye on Politics & Law Lords: A Bucket of Money: The world's most dangerous federation
It was a budget so good the Queensland treasurer called it "unbelievable"
Attack proves best defence in GST fight:

There was the $5 billion in tax cuts, another $5.35 billion earmarked for health and $8 billion for new roads, dams, power stations, public housing and education and training. Not only that, there was $2.7 billion left over at the end of 2004-05 - a record surplus - to be followed by a projected $934 million next financial year.
This was the budget, said the Queensland Treasurer, Terry Mackenroth, that would set the foundation for the Sunshine State's future - but he rejected suggestions that it was NSW taxpayers providing the mortar through the controversial carve-up of GST revenue.

• Spending to bullet-proof prosperity - Beattie's billions to fund rush north Surplus renews GST row [All major suburban areas need quality transport links soon after the residents arrive All aboard for a more effective train system; Cracks uncovered in the pylons beneath the rail line and expressway at Circular Quay Pylons show up new cracks in rail safety record ]
• · A second Chinese defector has backed claims China has spies operating in Australia Chen's spy claim backed by second defector ; New evidence shows a Chinese diplomat appealed in writing for political asylum last month, directly contradicting federal government claims it received no such application Letter shows Chen asked for asylum ; Khaleed Shnayf Daoed was found guilty today of helping to organise the SIEV X disaster, in which 353 people died and only 45 survived when the boat capsized near Indonesia in October 2001 Man faces 20 years for people smuggling disaster
• · · The west believes it is building a safer world but it is creating a gangsters' paradise. Mob rule ; The world today is no Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by a just and angry God. The world today is of our own making. It is a world where man has sinned against man, people against people - both as perpetrators and as silent onlookers The bitter harvest of our seeding ; Fortune has failed to smile on Phillip Smiles ever since the former state Liberal MP tried to claim his children's nannies as a tax deduction more than a decade ago Nannies grin as Smiles sent to the naughty corner
• · · · The Osama bin Laden cigarette lighter is adorned with his raised, chrome portrait, an embossed ''9.11'' The globalisation of absurdity ; Greek ‘thumos’ is close to Sanskrit ‘dhum’ (smoke) which came from ‘dhu’ (to shake violently). Sanskrit formed ‘dhum’ (smoke) and ‘dhul’ (dust) from the root ‘dhu’. Arabic soul (ruh) is quite close to wind (rih). In Persian, soul is ‘dam’ which is another way of saying Sanskrit ‘dhum’ (smoke) Fukuyama’s ‘last man’: Osama bin Laden is the ‘first man’, looking for recognition
• · · · · Politicians might hear, but does popular culture have the power to actually make them listen? Iron Tears: America's Battle for Freedom, Britain's Quagmire: 1775-1783 Keep your eyes wide. The chance won’t come again ; We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good Not all liberals are evil ; Young democracy guerrillas join forces: From Belgrade to Baku, activists gather to swap notes on how to topple dictators. From Belgrade to Baku
• · · · · · How numbers can suggest fishy business Freakonomics:What Numbers Reveal ; Forget the Founding Fathers ; Pity the author of a book on World War II scheduled for release this year Looking back on the worst conflict in human history