
Thursday, December 09, 2004

The art of luring businesses Our correspondent reports on alleged gifts to Catherine Deneuve and Gérard Depardieu from a businessman on the run

Invisible Hands & Markets: IT PAYS TO STAY: Look both ways before cross

In the late nineties, the city of Toledo, Ohio faced a crisis. DaimlerChrysler, which ran Jeep factory there, announced plans to build new plant, but offered no guarantee that i would be built in Toledo. So the city and th state came a-courting. They promised Daimle a ten-year exemption from all property taxes offered hundreds of millions of dollars in ta credits, and bought out eighty-three homes an sixteen small businesses, in order to give th company more land. Crisis averted: Daimler i still building Jeeps in Toledo

The business of America shouldn’t be subsidizing business
• · By PAUL KRUGMAN: Contrary to what the privatizers are saying, we don't have to destroy Social Security in order to fix it... Inventing a Crisis; [Gregor Alexandrovich Potemkin was an 18th century Russian military leader, politician and lover to Empress Catherine the Great. His name comes down to us partly because of his construction of elaborate fake villages in the Ukraine and Crimea for Catherine to see during her royal tours. She was apparently unaware that the prosperity was a fake. Behind the facade of our miracle southerly bustering economy]
• · · Some people, who are much smarter than me, figured out a way to show the cost of the war in Iraq.
• · · · Timothy Garton Ash, writing from San Francisco yesterday, had this to say, among other things, about liberals after the election: I 'm getting seriously worried about anti-Americanism
• · · · · An Idea Whose Time Has Come Back
• · · · · Carr and the new Suburbia 80 new surburbs for the city of exiles; [ Penrith Panthers: Roger Cowan, runs the nation's biggest rugby league club pretty much as he chooses]