
Sunday, August 29, 2004

World Population: 6,374,830,793 and Counting ... Blog population: 3,548,339 Media dragons and counting. That makes it one blog for every 1,796 persons if I did the math right

The Blog, The Press, The Media: Mea Culpa Mania
The publishing power of the Internet, which provides a technology-enabled platform for media critics, is partly responsible for the recent wave of newspaper confessions about poor coverage, says Geneva Overholser. Each of these criticisms is far more powerful than it used to be, she tells the Christian Science Monitor, and in turn causes newspapers to feel more compelled to be transparent. That is a good thing. Indeed, it is.
We must bring journalism down to a human level, down from the tower it built to separate itself from the public, down to eye level ...

Quick Shots: Sorry-ism, plagiarism, humility, diversity [ courtesy of Journalist Garen and his interpreter had an escape plan ]
• · The WSJ Profiles 14 white guys and a woman: The Bloggers Who'll Be At The RNC Convention; [George P. Landow In linking and following links lie responsibility - political responsibility - since each reader establishes his or her own line of reading: Successful Blogging ]
• · · I had a dream about leeches coming down the walls in my room, and I called security and they wouldn't do anything about it. I equated the leeches with the media Say it in private, but keep it out of the newspapers?
• · · · Kottke The Google Browser ; [From coldriver to icerocket (Search Engine) ]
• · · · · US Who owns what in the meedya industry ; []
• · · · · · A Very Kantian Thought: by KM Each dragon in cyberspace is a placeholder for a human being with a certain unique sphere of interests. This way, no node in the network is ever redundant or obsolete: Everybody contributes, and there is no dead weight