
Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Last night Jose Ramos Horta the leading international spokesman for East Timor's cause since 1975 was given Enough Rope on the Antipodean ABC by Andrew Denton...

Repeating History Classes: The Emperor & the Crouching Man Are Naked
The crouching man is naked, his hands tied and his head covered with a hood. The alabaster sculpture on display at a Baghdad gallery bears a striking resemblance to some of the shocking photographs that emerged last week of Iraqi prisoners abused by their American guards at the Abu Ghraib prison. But the 15-inch sculpture, with the words "We are living in American democracy" inscribed on its base was fashioned two months ago.
· Our dignity cannot endure this humiliation [link first seen at Margo Kingston]
· See Also Propaganda that no amount of spin can contain [ via Paul McGeough ]
· See Also There are journalists who try to swim against the Canberra tide. Canberra had failed to stop another boat but rushed to blockade the press [ courtesy of Smugglers & Media Watchers]