
Sunday, September 28, 2003

The tide has come in and gone out a few times
An edited blog is a contradiction in terms. It's a characteristic of the Internet in general that forms like the blog emerge with great exuberance and edgy promise and then the overseers move in. That's a pity. We need frontiers of plain-speaking, even it's politically incorrect. I understand why the Bee did what it did, but it leads to a restraint on free-thinking, which is lamentable.
· First Draft [Tim Porter]

Sydney Icon is on the hunt, unmasking and honouring bloggers who are serving, for better or for worse, the virtual world.

Presenting Global Bloggers
What kinds of personae do we make? What relation do these have to what we have traditionally thought of as the 'whole' person? Are they experienced as an expanded self or as separate from the self? Do our real-life selves learn lessons from our virtual personae? Are these virtual personae fragments of a coherent real-life personality?
-Sherry Turkle

media & the net: Paging The world's best blogs Introverted, but Brainy, Life in L.A.
Some estimates say there are about 500,000 blogs in this new frontier called the blogosphere. Golly, even Barbra Streisand has one of them.
So we decided to wade through it and serve up the world's best. It's purely subjective, but what the hell?
· Surfing 20 Virgin Drafts: i.e. Winds of Change, Open Sewer, What's New Pussycat? [Icon SMH]
There is no history, only erotica...
· Erotic Sheets [Clean Sheets]