
Wednesday, August 27, 2003

The important thing is sincerity

Once you've learnt to fake that, the world is your oyster. Artificial families based on raw power and money rather than ethics and DNA such as political parties, teach their polisons how to fake sincerity from the time they run for positions at the party headquaters. World's nastiest biological weapons are proving to be our whatever it takes political slush funds

Revolution, n. A bursting of the boilers which usually takes place when the safety valve of public discussion is closed.
-- Ambrose Bierce - The Enlarged Devil's Dictionary (1906)

The Protean Enemy

Despite the setbacks al Qaeda has suffered over the last two years, it is far from finished, as its recent bomb attacks testify. How has the group managed to survive an unprecedented American onslaught? By shifting shape and forging new, sometimes improbable, alliances. These tactics have made al Qaeda more dangerous than ever, and Western governments must show similar flexibility in fighting the group.
· Where there was nothing there is something [Foreign Affairs via Parish blog]

Trends behind little derriere Fascination of the fake

From tans to orgasms, the whole world seems happy to fake it.
· Faking Reality [SMH ]