You can't ignore a history and family connection like this...
The mammoth ruin at Spis
Castle lords over the village of Spisské Podhradie, 29 kilometres northeast of Spisská Nová Ves. From the village, follow the yellow trail for almost half an hour up to the castle(
The Large ruins of Spis Castle, which sit on a bare limestone cliff 643 metres above sea level in eastern Slovakia, are visible from a distance.
Spread out over more than four hectares, the castle is one of the largest ruins in Europe. At the time of its greatest fame, there were five courtyards and 135 rooms. In the past, the rising castle represented state power, while Spis Theological Centre represented the power of the church. The castle and the centre were the focus of political and social life in the Spis region.
· The Castle & Andrej Imrich [SlovakSpectator]