
Saturday, June 14, 2003

As the State Legislature prepares to levy the largest tax increase in the history of the state on us, people have asked me a couple of important questions. For instance, they want to know why state government is so screwed up.

Reforming State Government Get The Principles Right and Solutions Will Follow

The simple answer is that Alabama's state government, and just about all local government for that matter, is dysfunctional because they operate in opposition to principles that promote quality and value.
· Do we have enough money or do we need to raise taxes? [BirminghamTimes]

While states scramble for money, the federal government is cutting taxes. What does that mean to the average American? Some will pay more to their state than they get back from Washington, others will come out ahead — depending on where they live and their habits, like smoking, drinking or speeding.

States craft budget plans

An Associated Press analysis of budget work in all 50 states found many are trying to target their tax hikes or increase fees — allowing politicians to make claims that they did not raise income taxes. But those states that have raised across-the-board taxes such as income, sales or property taxes will get more money.
· Be prepared for tough times and tough choices [Dodgeglobe]