
Saturday, November 02, 2002

Internet Googlism Yourself

Go on, admit it, we all have a little self-Googlism every now and again. will find out what thinks of you, your friends or anything! Search for your name here or for a good laugh check out some of the popular Googlisms below.

Googlism for: Jozef Imrich
Takes all the effort out of coming up with an opinion

jozef imrich is the author of this title
jozef imrich is a storyteller who knows he is at a major crossroads
jozef imrich is dead and living in australia
jozef imrich is dead and living in au
jozef imrich is every political dictator's worst nightmare

Try Cookin' with Google. Or even better try Cookin' with Genius.

I've gotten no less than 12 penis enlargement spams this weekend. Someone knows something I don't? "Nature is what we are put on this earth to rise above," one of the e-mails suggested, echoing Katharine Hepburn in The African Queen. Spams and Michael Kirky have a way of popping up at key moments in history, like Forrest Gump. They are obsessed not with sex, but with size and bad sexual timing.

Sex Mexican Judge and Queen Representative Dance All Night

Little did my partner, Johan, and I think, 30 years ago, as we danced the night away ... that we would be at the opening of the Gay Games with the Queen's representative and all of you to bear witness to such a social revolution. Let the word go out from Sydney and the Gay Games of 2002 that the movement for equality is unstoppable, its message will eventually reach the four corners of the world. Be sure that, in the end, inclusion will replace exclusion.

In society after society we find practices that indicate the esteem given to the opposite of spontaneous and ‘natural’ behavior or appearance. Most homosexuals all over the world distinguish themselves by public signs of self-indulgence, complex systems of gossip, harassment, and other unnatural elaborations of behaviour and speech ...
· Dancing Desert [Sydney Morning Herald]
Stop Press. Gay sheep that mate only with other rams have different brain structures from straight sheep.

And Only In Amerika - The 30-second Spanish-language radio ad, paid for by the Republican Party of Glenn County, features the dinnertime conversation of a couple identified as Panchito and Lupita. Over a plate of enchiladas, the couple discuss a laundry list of problems with Democratic Party:

I am scared that Democrats are supporting abortion … and they are teaching our children in the schools that homosexual practice is OK, says the male voice, instead of using those hours to teach them to read and write.

Column 8:     It's one of the great email circulars, and it's been going only two weeks. The 103-year-old Royal Mail Hotel in Meekatharra, Western Australia, a town of some 1500 about 650 kilometres north-east of Perth, for some years has had a discount for Pensioner or Our Family Treat. Whoever keyed it into the cash register had their little joke and added an ER to the acronym, so the charge for items bought with the discount was listed as POOFTER.

No one appears to have taken any notice of it until October 14, when someone, after a bistro meal, got a printed receipt for GST purposes that listed POOFTER DRINK - $3. An image of the receipt has since been flying around the internet, and was sent to us by Andrew McCallum, of Chiswick. Enid, the hotel manager, says she's had 9 million calls, including a good-natured one from the gays and lesbians, who said they'd send busloads up to have a poofter drink. The drink? A straight can of Swan. And, says Enid, the key is now off the cash register.

Science Ozie Scientist claims secret of perfect way to urinate

An Australian scientist claims he's discovered the perfect way to urinate - and it involves both men and women sitting. It involves basically advising women, and men, in fact, to sit on the toilet with their feet flat on the ground, elbows on their knees, and leaning forward as if they're reading a newspaper on the floor. Professor Ajay Rane looked serious when he said, If the jury comes back saying the hole in the ground is the best way to go, I think some serious decisions will have to be made all over the developed world.
· James Cook [Ananova]