
Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Politics Stunning Political Snub

The White House, in a stunning snub of the late Senator Paul Wellstone and the people of Minnesota, has announced that George W. Bush will skip Wellstone's funeral.

Compare and contrast:
George W.Bush Snubs Senator Paul Wellstone
President Bill Clinton Honors Senator John Chafee

Campaign Gifts

Alan Judd of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has a great story about how some companies avoid Georgia's law limiting gifts to state officials. People connected to such companies have given more than $800,000 since last year to the campaigns of state officials who regulate their industries. The gifts are legal only because they come from people, not the corporations themselves.

Working around the Clock

Sibel Edmonds, hired as a translator of Turkish and other Middle Eastern languages after Sept. 11, has filed a whistleblower lawsuit against the FBI, which she claims fired her for bringing the corruption to light. ‘Let the documents pile up so we can show it and say that we need more translators and expand the department,’ Edmonds says one of her supervisors urged.
Science To Shake of not to Shake

First, maiden, virginish transatlantic handshake over the Internet.