
Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Original Play

Play returns us to life's
original message.
- Fred Donaldson, Ph.D.

Play is a way for us to feel an important sense of belonging. But very quickly in our goal-oriented society, play is turned into a contest in which we must learn to compete in order to survive. Most of us have forgotten what it's like to play for the sheer joy of playing and connecting with other people.

The language of play among children and wildlife, eye contact, a sequence of touch, a certain kindness, and a lack of contest, is very specific and powerful. Understanding this language gives us the ability to communicate kindness, trust, love and compassion to any being with whom we share the earth. O. Fred Donaldson, Ph.D., who has been studying play with children, adults and animals for nearly three decades, coined the term ‘Original Play.’

‘It takes courage to play in a world that does not play.’ (I am grateful for this link to Gina and Peter.)